Sep 12, 2017

Reader update

To all (3? 5?) readers (including my sister, I know you are lurking out there) here is an update since it looks like I left a misimpression that became more evident when a reader pointed it out. Here's a variation of my reply to him which stands as my status:

One tree down but otherwise unscathed. Very lucky.  Not sure I want to go thru it again.  I can see where the impression I was quitting cold might have been inferred but mostly I was thinking I was facing months of rebuilding and weeks or more without power. During Wilma, power was out for close to a month for some of my neighbors. TV was saying that Irma might be worse and "the strongest storm in history." It would have been a rough time with kids and school etc. And that would have meant less or no time for coding and hardcore analysis but not necessarily dead-ending the blog.  Since the worst didn't happen I'll more than likely still be throwing stuff out there as I run into it like I did before. As it is, though, there is still a fair amount of damage and work down here. My kids' school is down for the count thru next Monday.  My girlfriend's house is still without power and boarded and needs work moving stuff back to where it belongs. I drove around yesterday and it is a crazy mess out there. Immense tree and power line damage. Beach area streets are one big dune and cordoned off...

So, that's the scoop. And don't forget, I'm still only on the first (pretty rough) draft of that Kolmogorov post.  I still need to finish that up.  Except that I still need to find someone that knows differential equations that is also willing to walk me through some of it.



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