Jun 27, 2018

ERN on the 4% rule

Suggesting that we should follow a 4% Rule is about as ludicrous as suggesting that we should all wear size 10 shoes. - ERN
The 4% rule has been blogged and flogged more than enough but here is another worthy addition and worthy takedown...  The only disagreement might be on the comment "The 4% Rule is likely way too conservative for many early retirees." Just remember that ERN won't be there for you to make up the difference when it (spending more than 4% as an early retiree) doesn't work. You are on your own and conservatism may be your only saving grace at some point in the future.  He actually makes the same point in his point #9 so I give him cred, especially since a bunch of his other points take some of the wind out of the 4% sails as well. I mean, it was always a rule of thumb rather than a rule... 

Ten things the “Makers” of the 4% Rule don’t want you to know, June 27, 2018, earlyretirementnow.com

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