Jun 5, 2018

Australian Innovation in Retirement Solutions?

I don't really follow the exact details of this link on retirement solutions by some Australian entity but here are some thoughts:

- Prof. Milevsky gave these guys a positive shout out on Twitter

- Their solution appears to comport with the issues in retirement that I pound on over and over

- Their first chart could be a copy/paste from some of my Wealth Depletion Time posts

- I've seen, over the last 18 months, a ton of really smart Australian thinking on retirement/pensions

- They seem to have a bead on something here that makes sense to me

- I have almost never met an Australian I didn't like even though I have met a few that had a strong anti american bias. I probably need to go there soon. These are some fun smart people...

- My "spidey sense" tells me to watch Australia and maybe even these guys for interesting innovation in annuities and retirement solutions.  I have despaired of innovation lately so I take this kind of thing as good news.

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