Mar 11, 2018

Tincup in the RH lab

  1. I was a binge watcher of season 1 of Jessica Jones on Netflix,
  2. One of the top alt risk guys on the planet (Cliff Asness) also appears to be a fan of JJ,
  3. Season 2 of JJ just started,
  4. In season 2 Jessica drinks about a fifth of Tincup for every 20 minutes of show,
  5. My future heart and home belong to Colorado, and
  6. Tincup is made in Colorado...
I thought I'd bring some Tincup (or from their site: TINCUP) into the RH lab for testing.  This is the scene:

Keep in mind that Jessica would have a much taller glass and it would be 94% full (before she swills the whole thing).  As for the lab, that's an Asness fund I own in the background. The book is Markowitz (vol 2 of Risk Return Analysis 2016). The keyboard is filthy so I cut it out. The magnifying glass is not a prop. Without it I can't see the 2-factor authentication code I need to log into my broker platform.  The multiple screens are vestigial. I have three but don't need them all. I once had six when I was a GP/LP in a hedge fund startup (lost a ton; learned a lot).  My kids made fun of me for my screens. By the way, it's 3:06pm.  When I was married my now-ex would give me the evil eye for even the smallest drop of alcohol before 5:01pm.  Have I mentioned that I am not married anymore?  

As for the whiskey... they call it an american whiskey in a bourbon style. It was sold in the bourbon section. From the producer's site:
TINCUP is a blend of two great American whiskeys, each aged in #3 charred oak barrels. “High rye” bourbon, distilled and aged in Indiana, is blended with a small amount of Colorado single malt whiskey. These whiskeys are then cut with Rocky Mountain water. TINCUP is named for the Colorado mining pioneers and the tin cups from which they drank their whiskey.
And that makes sense because the first taste came across as pure rye.  The palate is pretty bold and a little spicy.  I can see why they call this an American whiskey. Not sure if I could go toe to toe with Jessica on gulping this straight in 20 ounce increments though.  I'm thinking a couple ounces with a splash of water and a big chunk of good ice might do the trick.  Manhattan or old fashioned style would not offend me either.  A coffee drink done right would be killer.

As a last thought I'll mention that I'm trying to start up an interview series called "RH Five Questions."  I have two people I have asked so far and am waiting to see if I can reel in their responses.  My goal is to canvas some of the quant-finance litterati that have been helpful to me so maybe I can interview Cliff in person over a Tincup with JJ running in the background. Maybe someone can tweet this to Cliff for me since I am not a twitter-god.  

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