Nov 14, 2017

On the immense conviviality and generosity of the retirement finance research crowd that I've run into

Over the last several years I have gone to the effort of throwing some pretty stupid (and a few other) questions towards some of our leading luminaries in what I'll call retirement finance though really we are talking about a broader field.  I have been absolutely surprised by how generous (and fast...and real and helpful) the responses have been.  I thought there was going to be a big wall between the dumb amateur hack like me trying to wend my way through retirement finance and some leading lights in the industry.  Not a chance.  Almost all of the people I have reached out to have responded to questions I have thrown out there and have done so with vigor and wit and intelligence and grace.  Here, in short, and in no particular order, are some of the names that have been quite helpful and deserve a round of thanks and appreciation.  I know I am probably missing a few...

Moshe Milevsky, PhD
Gordon Irlam, (big  help on my backward induction engine)
Joe Tomlinson
Darrow Kirkpatrick,
Dirk Cotton,
Tadas Viskanta,
Wade Pfau, retirementresearcher
Evan Ingliss, Pension section of SOA
David C, PwC (my one of two readers, I think)
Tim Taylor,
David Blanchett
Michael Finke
Michael Kitces
Corey Hoffstein. ThinkNewFound
Larry Frank
James Picerno,
Javier Estrada
John Walton
Bo Boland
Barton Waring
Luke Delorme
Ken Steiner
Attilio Meucci ARPM
Ben Carlson
Andrew Clare, City U of London
Dante Suarez
and others....who am I forgetting???

Here, on the other hand, and for the record, is who has not been helpful -- in case anyone was wondering about the dark side...there is always a dark side, right?

I live in south Florida.  Not a single person to whom I have reached out to in the area of finance anywhere in South Florida (FAU, Broward College, Nova Southeastern, UM, etc etc) has responded to a single question or email I have ever sent to anyone...ever.  Hmmm.  But I guess based on my experiences in the grocery stores here and on the road, I am not  totally surprised.  I once even had a short 10 minute "date" with a relatively well known finance professional down here and THAT is a story worth telling some day.  I've always told myself that the state motto or the logo on the FL flag should be "self interest above all else." (Hence my plans for a future move back to CO or MN). But hey let's end positive...

Regards to my helpful interlocutors...totally appreciated.


  1. I like the idea of moving to CO!

    1. I already have a realtor in Eagle county although Durango is also calling...
