Jun 14, 2016

Links - Society&Capital


"…perhaps one can speak of a third [world] war, one fought piecemeal, with crimes, massacres, destruction," Pope Francis on terror


Player Efficiency Rating: Steph Curry as a Black Swan


Rethinking Robin Hood, Angus Deaton.  "When citizens believe that the elite care more about those across the ocean than those across the train tracks, insurance has broken down, we divide into factions, and those who are left behind become angry and disillusioned with a politics that no longer serves them."  

Solar Is the Fastest-Growing Energy, Says Top Fossil FuelMajor, Bloomberg.  "The world’s growing fleet of solar panels generated a third more electricity in 2015 than a year earlier, making power captured from the sun the world’s fastest growing source of energy"  

The Crisis of Affordability in Real Estate, Lee, MSCI. "…housing for people in the middle of the income pyramid is unaffordable in most cities and countries that we studied." 

It’s Not Just Millennials Who Aren't Buying Homes, Fed of Atlanta.  " Are millennials to blame? Yes. But so is everyone else under the age of 65." 

Restrictions on Payday Loans Hurt the Poor, Bloomberg.  "The unpopularity of payday loans doesn't mean they serve no function. In the words of an October post on the blog of the New York Fed, the loans are hated by everyone except “the ten to twelve million people who use them every year.”  

Economics of Stop and Frisk, ConversableEconomist.  " stop-and-frisk can be a useful tool for police work, but when it comes to criminal possession a weapon, it's a tool that's being overused."  

Lottery Winners Don't Get Healthier,  John Cochrane.  "This story is a gorgeous example of the one central thing you learn when doing empirical economics: Correlation is not causation. Always look for the reverse possibility, or that the two things correlated are both outcomes of something else, and changing A will not affect B."   

Income differences across countries: Is the gap closing? St. Louis Fed (U Penn).  "The graph shows strong…signs of convergence…[but] Overall, the evidence on Solow convergence is mixed. Some assumptions important for the theory may not hold…"  

From Modern Trader: Stephen Curry is a Black Swan, Finalternatives.com.  " What do the rise of the Internet, the sinking of the Titanic, 9/11, and Stephen Curry have in common? They are all Black Swans."  

Income Inequality and Access to the Financial System.  TheConversableEconomist. "…for many low-income Americans, the financial system imposes additional costs that make it a harder for households that are already struggling to make ends meet."  

ISIL’s psychotic ambitions.  Salil Mehta at Ritholtz.com.  " What makes ISIL disturbingly stand out, versus other terrorist groups, is in the speed with which they have been violent on a mass scale.  Generally terror networks from a prior generation took years to create mass violence.  But ISIL, in only its first full year, has committed more butcherings than any other terror outfits had during their peak year."  

Pope Francis warns 'piecemeal' World War III has begun, [2014] CNBC.  "Humanity needs to weep and this is the time to weep," 

The Death of the Virtuous Cycle, Michael Lebowitz.  "The elegant virtuous cycle that propelled Western economies to prosperity has been quietly dismantled and replaced with an unproductive imitation. This new, un-virtuous cycle euthanizes discipline and prudence in exchange for the immediate gratification of debt-fueled consumption…. When the financial environment discourages savings, the investment and production components of the virtuous cycle suffer, which also negatively affects productivity and income. That is precisely what we are seeing."  

Ego is the Enemy: The Legend of Genghis Khan, FarnamStreetBlog.  "A barbarian conqueror, fueled by bloodlust, terrorizing the civilized world…[yet] he was a perpetual student, whose stunning victories were often the result of his ability to absorb the best technologies, practices, and innovations of each new culture his empire touched. In fact, if there is one theme in his reign and in the several centuries of dynastic rule that followed, it’s this: appropriation." 

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