Jun 16, 2016

Links - Markets and Investing


People are always willing to take money from their future self. -Dan Ariely


   Still a world of hydrocarbons...


Climbing the Wall of Worry, BlueSky.  "As it turns out unlike economic data, the market has a strong tendency to look forward instead of backward."  

Want To Know The Secret To Inefficient Prices? Lazy Prices. AlphaArchitect.  "In “Lazy Prices,” by Cohen, Malloy and Nguyen, [Harvard Bus.] the authors hypothesize that breaks from previous defaults and standardized reporting [i.e., the "lazy" part of the equation] will have significant implications for firms’ future stock returns."  

Diversification Opportunities In Fixed Income, NewFoundResearch.  "So despite all the potential dimensions upon which a fixed income portfolio could be diversified across, the Barclays Aggregate is actually highly concentrated.  One way to measure the internal diversification of this index is via a method popularized by Attillio Meucci called effective number of bets."    

How to Psychologically Prepare for Bear Markets, Bob Veres. "…the next bear market will come like [a] ‘thief in the night,’ and none of us can predict its hour or day."   

Winning by Playing Small Ball, Cullen Roche.  " In the world of investing the little things often add up to big problems." 

Janet Yellen's Inflation Problem Tim Duy.  http://economistsview.typepad.com/timduy/2016/06/janet-yellens-inflation-problem.html

The Proof That Most Investors Are Their Own Worst Enemy, Forbes.  " It’s our built-in psychological biases that lead to bad decisions and ultimately drive our long-term financial success."  

Saving Irrational Investors from Themselves, Dan Ariely at Institutional Investor.

As Wall Street Frets Over Trump, a Sure-Fire Short TradeEmerges, Bloomberg.  " “The only thing you are certain of is that if Trump wins, the Mexican peso will be weaker,” said Dirk Willer, a strategist at Citigroup in New York."  

The Returns Gap - The difference between fund returns and investor-in-fund returns.

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