Mar 13, 2019

Word on my last post...

"One day I might die reading these spend rates and withdrawal rate articles." 
-- Ng Lip Hong Kyith via Facebook about my last post Perfect Withdrawal Rates and Random Lifetime

to which I'd say...

"Me too."


  1. Hi William!

    This is Kyith here. I am surprised that comment got picked up by you! Not sure how these Facebook algorithms worked. I thought it would be hidden and all.

    I made that comment because I thought the article was way over my head with regards to comprehending it. I been reading literature like these for some time but I think the lack of statistics and science training have really hurt me a lot.

    Thanks for writing what you write. I will try to absorb where I can regarding these stuff!

  2. Hello K, I get so little traffic on the blog, maybe high single digits some days, that when I see facebook as a source I sometimes go look out of curiosity. I chuckled at your comment because I was laughing at myself. There are, in fact, way too many spend-rate pieces in the world and now I’m part of the proliferation problem. My goal is to do fewer of those and look at some more niche topics that get under-explored. I appreciated your repost in facebook, though, and viewed it as a compliment. A reminder: I am an amateur rather than academic or practitioner so this blog is not really meant to teach anything but to record what I am trying to learn. There are more than a few errors and many misdirections to spare. This is not humility; I’ve had to go back more than a few times to fix or delete things I obviously got wrong. Everything I’ve learned, btw, has been from 4 years of reading along with spreadsheet and Rscript experimentation. Easy stuff to pick up for the most part.

    1. Hi William, I think you offer the perspective from an inquisitive practitioner. I see a kindred spirit but I think you have more sophistication to model this. I myself was on a similar path. Was not there yet, so I want to try and address my insecurities to whether I have a good handle on this topic of retirement.

      And then I chance upon the usual literature. They are very eye opening but when i saw a link to your work, I decided to follow you and a few new ones.

      I find that the practitioners have a very different slant then the academics. Not sure if it is more skin in the game, but there is this slant of trying different ways to make it work.

      I especially enjoyed EREVN's work over at Medium and How Much Can I Afford to Spend in Retirement?. One gives a kind of kungfu fighting slant while the other is an actuarial slant.

      As to where I am, retirement planning have been rather backward I feel and this is where I hope I can disrupt the space to create more conversations about it.


  3. I consider Ken over at "how much..." to be a friend and I think the groundedness of his approach is a necessary antidote to some of the abstractness of the academics. I've seen EREVN and I believe he makes comments here that are constructive and useful. I think the space needs more kungfu-fighters, though, and fewer not-kungfu-fighters. Shake it up.
