Jul 18, 2016

Links - Society and Capital


"...life is the ultimate asset and liability mismatch."  - Cullen Roche



How Syphilis Came Roaring Back, TheAtlantic.  "While the rates  haven’t climbed close to the devastating levels of the early 1990s, they’re rising at an alarming rate." 

Experiences Over Stuff Is a Tired—and Sexist—Idea, Slate.com.  "There’s that. And then there’s also that experiences aren’t the antithesis of stuff. Experiences are facilitated by stuff no more or less than domestic life is facilitated by stuff. It’s just different kinds of stuff."  

Why we trust, and why that’s changing online, cjr.org. “The thing is that your magazine is not as powerful anymore because this [is] the magazine,” he said, holding up his iPhone. 

War, on drugs.  Aeon.co.  "Killing people is hard and horrible. No wonder that warriors, from berserkers to jihadis, need drugs to get in the mood"  

Update on the Income Share of the 1%, ConversableEconomist. 

NYT on zoning, John Cochrane. "a growing body of economic literature suggests that anti-growth sentiment... is a major factor in creating a stagnant and less equal American economy."  "Stop and rejoice. This is, after all, the New York Times, not the Cato Review"   

More Americans Are Upper Middle Class, squaredawayblog.com  "Yes, income inequality has risen dramatically over the past 35 years. But something else has happened that might surprise you."  

This Map Shows the Average Income of the Top 1% by Location, Visual Capitalist.  

Behavioral Economics: Past, Present and Future, Thaler.  "If everyone includes all the factors that do determine economic behavior, then the field of behavioral economics will no longer need to exist."  

If It Doesn’t Suck, It’s Not Worth Doing, medium.com "According to psychological research, the anticipation of an event is almost always more emotionally powerful than the event itself."  

Make elites compete: Why the 1% earn so much and what to doabout it, brookings.edu.  " The real cause of elite inequality is the lack of open access and market competition in elite investment and labor markets. To bring the elite down to size, we need to make them compete." [hmmm] 

The Richest Generation in U.S.History Keeps Getting Richer, ThinkAdvisor.  " Even after they retire, affluent Americans are growing wealthier, thanks to the strong stock market"  

Healthcare and Consumption with Aging, Guasoni and Huang.  " Health-care slows the natural growth of mortality, indirectly increasing utility from consumption through longer lifetimes. This paper solves the problem of optimal dynamic consumption and healthcare spending with isoelastic utility, when natural mortality grows exponentially to reflect the Gompertz' law. Optimal consumption and healthcare imply an endogenous mortality law that is asymptotically exponential in the old-age limit, with lower growth rate than natural mortality. Health spending steadily increases with age, both in absolute terms and relative to total spending. Differential access to healthcare with isoelastic effects can account for observed longevity gains across cohorts."  

One striking chart shows why pharma companies are fightinglegal marijuana, WashPost.  " There's a body of research showing that painkiller abuse and overdose are lower in states with medical marijuana laws. "  

The 0.0001 Percent, [graphic] CIO.  

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