"Theories and models are attempts to eliminate time and its consequences, to make the world invariant, so that present and future become one. We need models and theories because of time…You can only be disappointed if you had hoped and desired. To have hoped means to have had preconceptions – models, in short – for how the world should evolve. To have had preconceptions means to have expected a particular future. To be disappointed therefore requires time, desire and a model…You can count yourself lucky if your model of yourself survives its collision with time."
– Emmanuel Derman, Models. Behaving. Badly. [2011]
Everything changes and nothing stands still…You could not step twice into the same river.
– Heraclitus
What little I’ve learned about retirement finance so far since 2015, the year I started my blog, tells me that there seems to be no real, perfect spending rule that will save me, except maybe with hindsight, and no such thing (serious academic papers notwithstanding) as a fixed optimal retirement solution, at least not a permanent one anyway. There is only, in the end, what I’ll call “flow.” By flow I mean that retirement is not an object or a thing or a solution or a "number." It is a process, a continuous unfolding-in-the-present of new and unstable circumstances, challenges and changes to which we need to respond anew in each one of those present moments.